चल चल पुरतो निधेहि चरणम् (Chal Chal Puruto- Sanskrit Song)

चल चल पुरतो निधेहि चरणम्
(Chal Chal Puruto- Sanskrit Song)

चल चल पुरतो निधेहि चरणम्
सदैव पुरतो निधेहि चरणम् ॥ध्रु॥

गिरीशिखरे तव निज निकेतनम्
समारोहणं विनैव यानम्
आत्मबलं केवलं साधनम् ॥१॥

पथिपाषाणा विषमा प्रखरा
तिर्यन्चोपि च परितो घोरः
सुदुष्करं खलु यद्यपि गमनम् ॥२॥

जहीहि भीतिं ह्रिदि भज शक्तिम्
देहि देहि रे भगवती भक्तिम्
कुरु कुरु सततं धेयस्मरणम् ॥३॥
cala cala purato nidhehi caraṇam
sadaiva purato nidhehi caraṇam ||dhru||
girīśikhare tava nija niketanam
samārohaṇaṁ vinaiva yānam
ātmabalaṁ kevalaṁ sādhanam ||1||
pathipāṣāṇā viṣamā prakharā
tiryancopi ca parito ghoraḥ
suduṣkaraṁ khalu yadyapi gamanam ||2||
jahīhi bhītiṁ hridi bhaja śaktim
dehi dehi re bhagavatī bhaktim
kuru kuru satataṁ dheyasmaraṇam ||3||
Go ahead, keep your feet forward
Always place the feet forward.
Your home is at the top of the mountain.
Climb it without any vehicle
The only instrument is one's own strength, always place...
[Here 'home' is not to be taken literally. In this context, it means the final goal or aim]
The roads are strewn with sharp-edged stones
Terrible beasts hover around the way
Even though the movement [travel] is difficult, always place...........
With effort everything is possible
With right knowledge and skills society can be organized
Thus protecting the goodness in the society
Continue to march forward
Remove the fear; meditate on strength in the heart
Give devotion to GOD
Always think of the goal, always place .....


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