7.4 Sanskrit, Class 7, Lesson4, Hasya-Baal-Kavi-SammelanaM English Translation

Four hair poets holding various types of costumes are sitting on the stage. Listener people are keen to listen to humorous poems and are making noise.

At the same time, the operators say you do not make noise, it is very happy today that there is a great comic poet of India’s era of ruining poetry and ruining time in this poet convention. (Operators have been crooned here). Let’s welcome them with applause.

Only then a poet whose name is Ghazdhar comes up and starts to speak and greet all the monotonous people. (Here you can see again the satire is being spoken so that people laughed …). Firstly I recite my poem about the modern Vaidya – Vaidyaraj! O Yama’s brother, you are my hello. Yama Raj only defeats life, but Vaidya departs both life and wealth. Everyone laughed loudly on this matter ….

Then the second poet whose name is Kalantak comes up and says, ‘Hey Vaidya is in all places but I am not skilled in reducing the population like me. (This poet has saturated here). You also hear my poem – A Vaidya was surprised to see the burning pyre, he did not think I went there and neither was my brother (i.e. Yamraj), then this is the art of his hands.

Again, all laugh loudly …

Then the third poet comes in the form of a naughty (who is said to be Tindil). And talking with his hand on the stomach – I am gourmet. Listen to me also listen to this poem – and follow in life. Do not be happy to get others’ food because they get very difficult. And the body keeps getting frequent. (Here the poet wants to say that he should turn his hand on the non-folded material as long as possible. In this world, there is hardly any food or food received in the world, but the body keeps getting repeated. After birth, The body gets bored.

Everyone laughs again on this matter.

Then the fourth poet, whose name is Charkawak, comes up and speaks – Yes, it is right to do nourishment of the body in all respects, if there is no money, even then by taking loans, you should also enjoy nutritious substances. Then speak – until you live, live happily, even with debt, you also drink ghee.

If the audience speaks on this, then how to repay the debt.

Chawark poet again speaks – Listen to the rest of my poems – Take out the debt of the people by doing ghee.

In this way poetic text is completed, but after being inspired by listening to poetry, a child also creates a tear poem (instant poem) and hears with laughter. The child speaks – listen to you listen to my poem too. I salute Gajadhar poets, gourds and greed for food, Yamraj, Vaidya and Charawak Poet.

By listening to poetry “Ha ha ha” the child laughs and the other laugh too.

And after going out, everyone goes to their own home.


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